When it comes to reaching goals and making a positive change that sticks, our minds can either be a great ally or it can be our enemy.
Here are 7 ways that our mind holds us back from achieving serious awesomeness and how we can stop it:
1) Stop Living in Your Bubble: By this, I mean thinking that only positive changes will affect us. If we think about the impact that getting healthy, being more energetic, eating better foods, will have on others around us, such as family, friends, co-workers and the planet, we become inspired. The more we think about life in the greater scheme of things, rather than just our own little bubble, the more meaningful and urgent change becomes.
2) Stop focusing on past failures and future outcomes. This can be really demotivating. If we think about the fact that we have not succeeded in the past, it works to bring us down and to have little faith that we can accomplish things this time around. Similarly, if we focus too much on the future outcome, it can feel overwhelming.
The best thing to do is focus on the present moment of every day and making the best choices for yourself in the present.
3) Doubting who you are and comparing yourself to others. We are all so incredibly different, so why do we compare? It only serves to bring down who we really are and our own unique strengths. Do you compare yourself to others? Do a mental inventory, and if you do it, steer yourself away from those thoughts by thinking like the kid in you, the one that is confident he/she can accomplish anything. We all have something special to offer the world.
4) Embrace discomfort and risk. We often shy away from things that are new and out of our comfort zone, but that is where the magic happens. Begin to embrace these moments by seeing where they take you. If you feel in the thick of discomfort take a deep breath and look at it as a sign that new wonderful change is about to begin.
5) Focusing on intrinsic goals to find happiness. Extrinsic goals focus on the external validation and personal recognition. In the context of fitness and weight loss, examples can be fitting into skinny jeans or looking great in a bikini. While these are great aspirations, they can leave us feeling unfulfilled when we reach them.
Instead, focusing on Intrinsic goals, which validate us internally and give us a sense of connection, is much more inspiring.
Answer the following question: What will looking great in a pair of jeans do for my life, what will feeling confident and loving my body in a bathing suit do for me as a person?
6) Trying to do it alone. Historically we function much better when we work in groups towards a common goal and sourcing out help from those with expertise that we don’t have. Don’t think less of yourself if you can’t do something on your own. Most of us can fall into ruts when we lack the inspiration, motivation, and support from others, so go out and look outside yourself.
7) Using others as an excuse. It’s so easy to blame others for not being able to achieve our goals. Your demanding job or your family, time, money…..but we have to take ownership. We are the only ones that have 100% control of our own destiny.
If you find yourself making excuses, consider, does anyone else in your life know what you are trying to accomplish, that you are trying to shift your priorities? If not, make it known and be proud of it, this is the first step in making room for long term change. How can others honour what’s important to you, if you haven’t done so first?
In health and fitness,
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