Because food affects each person differently, a healthy diet for one person may not be healthy for another person That is why at Best Body Bootcamp, we customize your nutrition plan and monitor it weekly to make sure it is the right diet for you and you are getting the results you want.
Also, “You can’t out-train a bad diet.” But most people don’t realize that a GOOD diet doesn’t mean slaving in the kitchen every day and doesn’t have to be boiled chicken and broccoli! It can be quick, simple, easy, and made to fit even the busiest lifestyle. And the most important part is that you can make your healthy food taste GREAT so that you actually enjoy eating it!
At Best Body Bootcamp, we do NOT believe in starvation diets, restrictive dieting, or any other “diet plan” that gives your body less of what it needs to function at your peak. In fact, we’ve never had anyone who joined Best Body Bootcamp complain that they are always hungry…In fact, they end up eating MORE food than they did before, not less